custom rope maker

White PolyDac Fitness Rope

The Best Custom Boat Lines, Custom Colored Ropes, & Special Assemblies made to Your Specifications
White PolyDac Fitness Rope white-polydac
White PolyDac Fitness Rope
Also known as undulation or exercise ropes
Product Description
Undulation ropes, also known as exercise or fitness ropes, give you a great strength training and conditioning work-out, they will help wake up muscles that you forgot you had! Our PolyDac fitness ropes are made from a blend of polyester and polypropylene fibers, they are ideal for indoor use, have high abrasion resistance and an excellent strength-to-weight ratio. PolyDac exercise ropes also have the advantage of being softer to the touch and don’t shed like manila ropes will. Our PolyDac fitness ropes come standard with heavy duty vinyl handles on both ends, the handles are stitched to the 1-1/2″ diameter fitness ropes. We also include 2′ of heavy duty black nylon fabric in the center of the rope to protect from fray. Miami Cordage offers a wide selection of fitness ropes to meet your needs, and if you don’t see it on our site, let us know and we’ll be happy to make it up for you.
Standard diameters are 1-1/2″ – 2″ and lengths from 25′ – 100′
Heavy duty vinyl handles on both ends and 2′ of center friction guard
Custom fitness ropes available to meet your needs

Part # Length
FITPD1525 25 11
FITPD1530 30 14
FITPD1540 40 18
FITPD1550 50 22
FITPD1560 60 27
FITPD1575 75 34
FITPD15100 100 45

2″ Diameter PolyDac Rope

Part # Length
FITPD225 25 18
FITPD230 30 21
FITPD240 40 28
FITPD250 50 35
FITPD260 60 42
FITPD275 75 53
FITPD2100 100 70

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Call (303) 809-7274


Contact Us – Request Quotation

Call (303) 809-7274


USA Made in the USA